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duminică, 6 februarie 2011

Should I ?

Haven't posted anything for a while, still thinking, maybe..
I don't know..
things are pretty much upside down.
Actually, they're a bit more..

But even when I'm confused, worried and constantly thinking.., I can't overlook the fact that You're still telling me to continue, despite everything.
Should I do that even if it wasn't my mistake ?

If I'm not asking too much, can You please give me a sign ?

4 comentarii:

  1. hey, merci
    trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am citit prea mult din blogul tau dar o sa imi fac timp.

    uhm...esti cine cred eu ca esti, nu? :">

  2. Eh, just a friendly...neightbour? :P
    Si da, cred ca stii :"

  3. hei, mie imi place blogul tau..:D nici sa nu te gandesti sa nu mai postezi nimic.. ar fi pacat. :)
